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Plan ahead, retire well.

Retirement planning is not something to postpone. Actually, the day a person starts his or her career, would be a good day to start thinking of retirement and how to plan for it.

Unfortunately, most people start thinking of retirement planning too late in life and this often leads to people taking emotionally-based higher risks. When we are younger,

risk-taking often makes sense; at an older age, taking a very high risk might be an unwise decision, as there may not be enough time to financially recover if the investment turns out to be bad or if the economy is in trouble for an extended period of time.


There are many popular retirement plans out there:

-Traditional IRA
-Roth IRA


-Profit Sharing Pension Plans

-Defined Benefit Pension Plans

-Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA Plans


Some life insurance policies have internal cash value which may augment your other retirement programs.

All of these plans are good options for most people and should coordinate with other financial investments. The goal is to be financially comfortable during your retirement years. We do not want to outlive our investment income… so good direction now is essential.


The Matloff Company has been implementing these plans since 1979. We work with financial planners, advisors, actuaries, CPA’s, tax attorneys and others to help you decide on the best approach for your particular situation, risk tolerance and retirement horizon.


As we admire the golfer planning his shot, we realize that he uses his experience to lay the ball up close to the pin. With retirement planning, you want to lay up the ball close to the pin as well.


We look forward to working with you.

Please contact us for a consultation. 



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By appointment only.  No walk-ins.

9440 Santa Monica Blvd #301
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Tel:  310-858-5970 / 800-468-4467

Fax:  310-274-2563

16000 Ventura Blvd #915

Encino, CA 91436

Tel:  310-858-5970 / 800-468-4467

Fax:  310-274-2563

28202 Cabot Rd. #300

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

Tel:  949-460-4552


Business Hours

Monday - Friday 6:30am - 4:30pm

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